
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging

3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3T MRI) is the most powerful and intense type of magnetic resonance imaging technology available. Signals from less powerful magnet strengths can be deficient in terms of contrast, resolution, and image quality. With 3T technology, superior optimal quality images can be generated in 30 minutes, producing the highest contrast and definition possible for easy data analyzation. 3T imaging is an extraordinary advance in MRI technology resulting in dramatically high definition image resolution and a more favorable patient experience.

3T technology makes the experience of the patient more comfortable. Scan times have been greatly reduced with extremely high quality images being created. This offers our patients fewer repeat visits because the necessary correct imaging is obtained the first time. With fewer visits, there are fewer injections needed making the scanning process more comfortable for everyone, including patients, technologists, and physicians.

Ultra-thin, 3-dimensional (3D) image slices, and high resolution imaging unequivocally increases the likelihood of proper diagnosis which determines the course of treatment in patients who have damage to the systems of the body. Where a surgeon might have performed exploratory surgery in the past, 3T MRI can actually reduce unnecessary surgeries with greater diagnostic accuracy. Conversely, the increased strength of a 3T magnet may identify health problems that were not detected with lower strength MRI technology – this includes a wide variety of abnormalities within the tissues, organs and systems of the body. With greater contrast and increased resolution, 3T can identify and enhance tissues such as:

  • Lesions
  • Infections
  • Tumors
  • Bone Cancers
  • Fractures
  • Hemorrhage
  • Inflammation
  • Aneurysm

Subtle brain damage may only be visible under a microscopic view. Trauma to the body can manifest itself in many ways. Fatty tissues of the body appear as bright white spots on specific MRI images. These bright white areas of fat saturation can obscure the underlying tissues and vascular systems of the body making it difficult for a clinician to evaluate through the fat. 3T MRI scans have increased sensitivity to fat saturation, therefore producing an enhanced level of contrast and resolution. When compared with lesser strength magnets such as 1.5T MRI, 3T Magnetic Resonance Imaging offers several additional advantages including:

  • Reduced Scan Times
  • Improved Study of the Brain
  • Reduced Need for Surgery
  • Greater Diagnostic Capability
  • Greater Level of Contrast
  • Highest Quality MRI